Sunday, January 20, 2008

This is different

Lately, I've been noticing some changes to my strength. I haven't exercised in months. My diet hasn't been anything to be proud of. The healthiest food I put into my stomach nowadays is probably water and coffee. And despite this, I've actually noticed some significant strength gains; gains unlike I experienced when I DID workout. I wanted to start documenting some of the more significant strenght feats.

Just this morning, while working at the Flager Flea Market, I picked up the back end of a 17' U-Haul Truck! Well, let me clarify. It's not like I pressed it overhead. I grabbed the rear bumper and pulled it up as if Iwas deadlifting a barbell. The tires must've come up only about an inch. I think my max deadlift was about 320 lbs. I'm almost certain the truck weighs a lot more than that, but I'm not sure how that compares to picking up just the rear as I did.

I sort of do know when these changes started occuring. It was sometime after my brother and I visited the missle silo found south of the entrance to the everglades near Florida City. There was a smal barricade blocking the path of this 2 mile stretch. The barricade only prevented cars from passing, so it was easy enough for us to hop over and bring a bike along. We made it to the end of the road and found this large, abandoned warehouse. There was a huge circular steel plate (40 feet in diameter maybe) covering the ground.

We weren't there for long because there was this massive infestation of mosquitoes, flies, and other unrecognizable flying insects everywhere! The swarm looked like a thick black fog heading towards us. And each insect was larger than I've ever seen. We only had one bike with us, so I let my brother ride the bike back while I ran out of there. It wasn't until I was about 1/4 of a mile out did the massive swarm finally dwindle, sparing me enough blood to run the remaining 1 3/4 miles back. My brother escaped unscathed. I'm sure all the sugar in my blood from the coffee I've been drinking helped enticed the thirsty critters.

Hopefully I'll be able to adhere to my New Year's Resolution and begin my workout routine again. I keep reading the posts and WODs over at and begin to lament over my lack of participation. I'm really curious to see how I've regressed (or maybe, somehow progressed).

AM: Dunkin Donuts, Medium Cream/Sugar

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